Scotts Lawn Fertilizers

Scotts Fertilizer or Scotts Lawn Fertilizer products are known for quality throughout Michigan.

 We recommend using Scotts Fertilizer for your Michigan lawn. There are many different fertilizers on the market and Scotts fertilizers stand out. The best thing you can do for your lawn is to water it and fertilize regularly throughout the growing season with a quality fertilizer such as Scotts fertilizer. If you like to work on your lawn by yourself Scotts fertilizer makes it easy for you with step by step programs. If you do decide to do the job yourself make sure to follow the directions and always calibrate your spreader to avoid damaging your lawn. If you would like us to apply Scotts quality Fertilizer products to your Michigan lawn call  Metro Automated Sprinklers today at 248-473-7485 or 734-844-2494